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Diet for gastritis

                                                                       Diet for gastritis  
With gastritis with increased secretion of patients concerned about stomach pains that occur on an empty stomach, sometimes at night, as well as heartburn, regurgitation, a tendency to constipation. This gastritis is predyazvennym condition and treatment principles to the same as the peptic ulcer.
Gastritis with decreased secretion bother even pain, and the feeling of fullness, heaviness after eating, nausea and sometimes - diarrhea.
Food for stomach

In diseases of the stomach to eat at least 6 times a day, small portions, chew (at least 20 chewing movements). Well chewed, soaked food enzymes saliva is already partially - by 10-15% - is digested and does not require, unlike neprozhevannyh pieces of bread or meat, over voltage of the stomach and increased production of gastric juice. Frequent meals prevent the accumulation of gastric juice, which irritates the lining of the stomach, up to her self-digestion of affected areas.

Must be excluded from the diet of spicy, salty, fatty, fried, hot and cold food. To prevent irritation of food on the gastric mucosa, the products should be easy to digest, have a temperature of not less than 20 degrees C and 50 degrees C.
Vegetable juices
Use fresh vegetable juices (cabbage, potato or carrot, better mixture of the juices). It is proved that they have the antacid (antacid) action - when receiving 30 ml of juice heartburn lasts for 15 minutes. But the main thing is: the fresh cabbage, which in its natural form can not consume ulcer patients because of an irritating effect of fiber, as well as in the potato contains many active anti-ulcer factor, vitamin U. It should be noted that if the whole juices have a neutralizing effect on the gastric juice, then diluted with water 1:10, on the contrary, increase the secretion. Therefore, undiluted juices should be taken in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease with high secretory activity, and divorced - at anatsidnyh gipatsidnyh and stomach diseases. And to remember: drink only juice before meals. They can be rotated with herbs: at the first breakfast - a decoction of herbs, with the second - juice, etc. 2-3 days or drink herbal tea, 1 day - juices.
Honey and Bee Products
Honey in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease has a threefold effect:

    Local, promotes healing of inflammation or ulcer surface of the gastric mucosa (just as the honey helps heal wounds and ulcers);
    Restorative effect on the entire body, and in particular to the "unsettled" the nervous system;
    Direct effect on the secretion of gastric juice - when taken warm honey diluted with water for 1.5-2 hours before eating acidic contents of the stomach is reduced. The consumption of cold honey solution just before meals stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Thus, the honey in diseases involving increased secretion, should take the form of heat for 1.5-2 hours before the meal, and at a lower secretion - immediately before a meal.

Besides honey, an analgesic and anti-inflammatory for stomach has propolis, used in the alcohol (5-20%) solution for 40-60 drops in a cup of milk (3 times a day for half an hour before meals for 3-4 weeks). Also possible to use the mother milk (12-15 g per treatment) and pollen (2 tbsp per day). Pollen is very helpful when hidden gastric bleeding. Honey and other bee products can be alternated with herbs and juices.
When catering for people with diseases of the stomach, shall be based on diet number 1. This diet is indicated for patients with stomach ulcer, chronic gastritis with normal or increased gastric secretion in acute phase of abating and recovery (within 3-5 months), patients with decreased secretion in acute, acute gastritis in the recovery period, and after operations the stomach in the recovery phase.
Diet number 1
In the diet limited to strong stimuli and agents of the gastric mucosa, including hot and cold, indigestible and linger in the stomach foods. Food must be pureed, semi and puree, boiled in water or steamed. Diet provides moderate restriction of salt.

    Wheat bread flour and 1 st grade yesterday's baking or dried, dry biscuits, cookies dry. 1-2 times a week - well nesdobnoe baked muffins, pies, baked apples, boiled meat or fish and eggs, jam, cheese.
    Soups of the permitted pureed vegetables carrot, potato broth, milk soup of pureed or well-boiled cereals (oats, semolina, rice, etc.), pasta, adding pureed vegetables, dairy soups of vegetables, soups of the pre-digested chicken or meat, of pureed sweet berries with semolina. Soups seasoned with butter, egg-milk mixture, cream.
    Lean meats and poultry without tendons, fascia and skin of birds. Steam and boiled dishes of beef, lamb and young lean cut of pork, chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit, sliced ​​and chopped.
    Low-fat fish species without the skin, or as a piece of cutlet mass. Boiled in water or steamed.
    Milk, cream. Sour yogurt, atsilofilin. Fresh sour cheese (grated) and sour cream. Cheese dishes: baked cheese cakes, soufflés, lazy dumplings, puddings. Mild cheese, grated, occasionally - slices.
    Eggs - 1-2 pieces. a day in the form of a soft-boiled or steam omelets.
    Semolina, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, boiled in milk or water (semi-liquid or pureed). Steam souffles, puddings, cakes of ground cereals. Noodles, pasta - finely chopped boiled.
    Potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, steamed or pureed (puree, souffle, steam puddings). Neprotertye early squash and zucchini. Finely chop fennel in soups. Sour ripe tomatoes (up to 100g).
    Appetizer: salad of boiled vegetables, meat, fish, boiled tongue, liver pate, sausages: Doctor, dairy, diet. Jellied fish with vegetable broth, caviar: sometimes soaked low-fat herring and mincemeat, mild cheese, unsalted ham without fat.
    Fruits and berries mashed, boiled and baked, sweet berries and fruits in any form. Sweet dishes: mashed potatoes, jelly, mousse, jelly, sambuca, compotes (pureed), meringues, snowballs, butter cream, milk pudding. Sugar, honey, sour jam, marshmallow, candy.
    Sauces: dairy (béchamel) without passirovki flour, with the addition of butter, sour cream, fruit and milk-fruit.
    Weak tea, tea with milk and cream, weak cocoa and coffee (unnatural) with milk. Sweet juices from fruits and berries. Broth hips.
    Butter unsalted butter, melted butter cow premium.

Excluded are:

    Rye and any fresh bread, made of biscuit and pastry.
    Meat and fish broth, mushroom and strong vegetable broths, soup, borscht, hash.
    Fatty and stringy meats and poultry, duck, goose, canned meats. Fatty, salty, smoked fish, canned food.
    Dairy products with high acidity, spicy salted cheese. Limited to sour.
    Hard-boiled eggs and fried.
    Wheat, barley, maize grains, pulses, wholewheat pasta.
    Cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, radish, spinach, onion, cucumber, pickles, pickled and marinated vegetables, mushrooms, canned vegetable snacks.
    Spicy and salty snacks, canned meats.
    Acidic, not ripe, fiber-rich fruits and berries, neprotertye dried fruit, chocolate, ice cream. Limited: dill, parsley, vanilla, cinnamon.
    Meat, fish, mushroom, tomato sauces, horseradish, mustard, and pepper.
    Carbonated beverages, brew black coffee.

Sample menu diet number 1 (mashed foods)
1-and breakfast:

    Omelette steam of 2 eggs
    Oatmeal porridge mashed
    Tea with milk

2nd breakfast: Milk

    Milk soup of carrots and potato
    Meat pudding steam with béchamel
    Buckwheat mashed
    Fruit jelly

Lunch: boiled fish with green peas pureed
At night: Milk
All day: White bread - 300 g sugar - 40g, 30g oil.
Sample menu diet number 1 (neprotertaya food)
1-and breakfast:

    Soft-boiled egg
    Crumbly buckwheat
    Tea with milk

2nd breakfast:

    Fresh sour curd
    Broth hips


    Potato soup vegetarian
    Meat boiled or baked with béchamel sauce, boiled carrots
    Mix of bran boiled with sugar

Snack: a decoction of wheat bran, sugar and crackers

    Boiled fish, baked with milk sauce
    Carrot-apple strudel
    Tea with milk

At night: Milk
All day: White bread - 300g, 40g sugar, butter - 30g.

Diet for patients with gastritis
     Diet for patients gastritnyh thing is very difficult, because the diet should be both the most gentle and effective. Additionally meal should be regular - there need little and often. Sick stomach easier to cope with a small amount of food.
    What diet can advise the patient with acute gastritis? On the first day it is better to abstain from food. Drink can and should be, but only cool tea, mineral water, free of bubbles. From the second day should be included in the diet jelly, liquid porridge (oatmeal is better), liquid water and mashed potatoes, boiled eggs. Such a strict diet is for the period of acute illness in the future diet should gradually expand.
    People with reduced acid production need to eat more foods that increase secretion of hydrochloric acid, and those with increased acid production - on the contrary.

    For products that are poorly stimulate the secretion of gastric juice are:
drinking water, mineral water, containing no carbon dioxide (no bubbles), weak tea, cheese, sugar, white bread, fresh, well-boiled meat and fresh fish, vegetables, cooked mashed (potatoes, cauliflower, turnips, carrots), no very strong vegetable soups and porridges.
   Fats also have little effect on the secretion of gastric juice, but they increase the time during which the food is in the stomach, because the fat is difficult to split. Therefore, the period of exacerbation of fat should be abandoned (allowed a little vegetable oil, about 2 teaspoons a day).
   This is the set of products that you can safely have an exacerbation of any form of chronic gastritis, regardless of whether increasing or decreasing acid production.
   For products, strongly stimulates the production of gastric juice are:
all alcoholic and soft drinks, coffee, cocoa fat, well-salted dishes, egg yolk, strong, rich meat broth, brown bread, canned food, a variety of spices, all fried, smoked, marinated.

   Also, to facilitate the work of the stomach does not have time to take liquid and solid food. For example, after you have eaten porridge for breakfast, tea is best to drink no less than 1.5 hours. Still not advisable to combine foods rich in protein (meat, cheese, milk), with foods rich in carbohydrates (pasta, potatoes).
   Eats the food itself influences on motor activity of the stomach, that is, the time during which the food is transported from the stomach into the intestines. Liquid and food pappy leaves the stomach faster than solid. A particularly long remain in the stomach raisins and prunes. Therefore, during the first 2 months of acute gastritis it is better not to eat.
   Quickly removed from the stomach of carbohydrates slowly - proteins, and fats are the longest. Longer than the food is in the stomach, the more distinguished of hydrochloric acid.
   Still, we must remember that a sick stomach difficult to cope with coarse fiber, which many in cabbage, turnip, radish, apple peel, the berries with a rough skin (gooseberries, currants, grapes, dates), and also in the bread from wheat flour.
Special diet with low acidity
    At the beginning of exacerbation been fasting. The purpose of the diet - to reduce inflammation. And then you can gradually start to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice.
            What can I eat and drink. Weak tea can with milk water with lemon and sugar, white crackers, diluted cream, biscuits, a little butter, fresh cheese, scrambled eggs, steam omelets, vegetable, fruit and pea soups, cereals, soft boiled meat, boiled lean fish, steam meatballs, boiled chicken, pasta, herbs and vegetables in the form of puree (excluding sorrel and spinach), sweet varieties of berries (raspberries and strawberries), sweet pureed fruits and preserves, jellies, compotes, fruit and sour berry juices, mild cheese.
   Such a diet is observed approximately 3 weeks, depending on the state of health. Under its influence decreases inflammation are pain. When the severity of the process subsided, you can start a little to stimulate the formation of hydrochloric acid. This should be done gradually.
   Start cooking meat broth stronger, not a bad cut to dinner herring, pickles, and if possible, make a sandwich with red caviar. For half an hour before meals good to drink half a cup of diluted lemon juice.
   You can eat fried food, but without the need to fry breaded (not rolled in egg and breadcrumbs).
   Herb at this time start taking bitterness. They will strengthen the appetite and sense of taste.
   Food has yet to be thoroughly cooked, pureed. Still recommend to treat gastritis koumiss. Therefore, if you can, drink mare mare's milk. Well stimulates gastric secretion and kvass. But they should not get involved, because it can enhance the processes of gasification. Coffee you can drink, but no more than 1 cup per day.
             What not to eat or drink. Hot dishes, fresh bread, sweet cakes, fatty and stringy meat, whole milk, coarse fiber foods (cabbage, raisins, prunes).

   With further expansion diet permitted a strong tea, cocoa, yogurt. Be sure to listen to your well-being.
   After persistent improve overall (usually 2-2.5 months after onset) diet expands so that you can eat almost everything, except for: smoked meat, fatty meats and fish fat. Also, do not abuse the spices, salt, cabbage, grapes.
   For breakfast and lunch must be hot food, and for dinner you can eat 20% of the ingested during the day.
      Sample menu for the period of acute
Breakfast: porridge and weak tea with milk.
Lunch: baked apple.
Lunch: soup with meatballs, steam meat cutlet with buckwheat compote.
Dinner: vegetable puree, fresh cheese, you can jam.
At night: a cup of yogurt with white toast.

Special diet at normal or high pH

    In the first 2 weeks after acute diet is almost the same as for gastritis with low acidity. But in this case it is better to eat more whole milk and milk products because milk can normalize the increased acidity.
     Some people can not drink milk. Sometimes it causes flatulence, diarrhea, etc. In such cases, early treatment is best taken adulterated milk, that is, add it to tea. The milk should be sure to drink it warm and have a little. If these measures do not help, replace the milk mucous soups.

    Method of preparation of the mucous soups: 25 g of flour or cereal, oatmeal is better, in 600 ml of water put on the fire and cook until until the soup boil up to 250-300 ml. Then rub it through a sieve, put 1 boiled egg yolk, add the cream, and before serving add 15 g of butter.
    All food must be mashed, chopped, warm. To expand the diet 1.5-2 weeks choosing the foods that have little effect on the secretion of gastric juice. Brees should be rather weak. To do this, put a piece of meat in boiling salted water. Principle frequent and fractional power is saved. The meat is best to cook meatballs and dumplings.

              What can I eat and drink in the acute period.
     Crumbs of white bread, soups mucous pureed broth supplemented with cereals, egg-milk mixture, patties, meatballs, dumplings, soufflé, lean meat, poultry and fish, steamed or boiled in water, milk pureed meals of different cereals except wheat, boiled egg, steam scrambled eggs, jelly, jelly, juice of sweet fruits and berries, sugar, honey, milk, cream, cheese, freshly prepared with milk and sugar, cheese casseroles, tea with milk and cream, broth hips with sugar.
    The diet should be rich in proteins, since they serve as a basis for recovery of cells of the stomach. Egg - this is an excellent and affordable source of animal protein for the body, because the composition of egg protein is close to the proteins in our body tissues and is well absorbed. It is better to have a soft-boiled eggs in a bag, as hard-boiled eggs are retained in the stomach for a long time. In place of fresh brown bread is better than dried in an oven dried, since the drying in the oven they turn soft and crumbly. It is important to add to food oil, as it accelerates the healing of various injuries of the gastric mucosa, which are so frequent in this type of gastritis.

                         What not to eat or drink.
       Of the diet should be excluded pickles, marinades, hot spices, rich meat and fish soups, fried foods, dairy products, coffee and black bread. But health, like beauty, requires sacrifice - because the result is worth! Salt intake is also recommended to limit how and alcoholic beverages. By the way, they have to be avoided.

                  Sample menu for the period of acute
 Breakfast: scrambled eggs steam, porridge oats mashed milk, tea with milk.
 Snack: milk with bread crumbs.
 Lunch: soup of carrots and potato, meat patties with mashed potatoes steam, fruit jelly.
 Snack: milk.
 Dinner: boiled fish with carrot and beetroot puree, tea with milk.
 At night: milk.

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